To coffee or not to coffee, that is the question?
☕️ Good morning guys! What’s your favorite way to start your day? I know many of you love love love coffee
☕️first thing in the morning
?Some of you drink few cups of coffee throughout the day! Is it healthy? The smell of morning coffee can bring us joy! Sometimes I drink small cup of java in the morning with nut milk and I may add a coffee flavor to my desserts. But I always start my day with cup of a lemon water to alkaline
?my body, then I may have my juice, smoothie or coffee. I drink plenty of water during the day so in my opinion a cup or two of coffee is ok! Of course make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods like organic fruits, veggies and greens
?My favorite coffee company is Four Sigmatic www.foursigmatic.com
❤️ their coffee is mixed with medicinal mushrooms like chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, and other superfoods. This company also makes awesome matcha powder mix, and mushroom hot cacao mix, and other yummy and healthy elixirs that you can add to your drinks and smoothies or desserts. I wrote about coffee and coffee alternatives is my new cookbook “Live Love Light and Fruits from Olenko’s Kitchen and Friends”
? https://www.amazon.com/gp/ aw/d/0997105933/ ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= 1513982061&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX 236_SY340_QL65&keywords=li ve+love+light+and+fruits&d pPl=1&dpID=61qBXbl4PJL&ref =plSrch so check it out! In this cookbook you can also find a recipe of this yummy Spiced-Up Gingersnap Biscotti
❤️ For more tips on healthy living visit my website www.olenkoskitchen.com #olenkoskitchen#livelovelightandfruits #foursigmatic #coffee#coffetime
☕️ #mushroomcoffee #vegan #yummy#biscotti #veganbaking #happycows #cookbook#cookbookauthor #healthyfood #ilovecoffee#plantpower #plantshaveprotein #healthcoach#dessert #morning #java #awesome #breakfast#inspiration #inspuredbynature #govegan
?#delicious #superfoods