Why Juicing?

Published : Monday, July 6th, 2015

It’s recommended that we get 6-8 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, but only very few people will actually get that. Juicing is a process which extracts water and nutrients and discards all the fiber. Without the fiber, your digestive system doesn’t have to work as hard to break down the food and absorb all the nutrients. Juicing is an easy way to guarantee that you will reach your daily target for vegetables and fruits and all the nutrients. Cooking and processing food destroys the micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition. When you start your day with fresh  juice made with organic vegetables and fruits you are going to have a lot of energy and you will feel great the whole day. Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables and fruits in very easy way. This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of eating unhealthy, precessed food over many years. This limits your body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to “pre-digest” the fruits and vegetables, so your body will receive most of the nutrition from the fresh juice. Some people may find eating 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables difficult, but it can be easily accomplished with a quick glass of vegetable/fruit juice. Juicing will help you add a wider variety of vegetables and fruits that you may not include in your regular food diet. You can juice all different kinds of vegetables and fruits, but remember to add fresh raw leafy greens too, like for example: kale, spinach, swiss chard, watercress, bok choy, arugula, etc… There are so many choices of healthy greens and veggies you can add to your juice to make it taste delicious. I love to juice parsley, spinach, aloe vera, cucumbers, bitter melon, sweet potato, parsnip, lettuce, garlic, wheat grass, red cabbage and beets.  Juicing possibilities are endless, just be creative and make sure you use organic produce for your juices. Many juices combinations are very healing and juice therapy is a natural way to cure many diseases, even cancer. If you need to find more information go to http://gerson.org/pdfs/Juices-for-Gerson-Therapy.pdf . Also if you want to do a juice fast the right way go to http://www.juicefastguide.com/ and you will be amazed how wonderful juice fasting is. I hope you will get into juicing, just try to experiment and rotate your juice produce. I love juicing and I make fresh juice every day. I also use the leftover juice pulp in many of my recipes: making raw cookies, crackers, desserts, smoothies or adding it to soups or stews.

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