What’s For Dinner?

Published : Thursday, July 16th, 2015

People often say to me “You are so lucky you like to cook, I don’t! ” and another one “I can’t afford organic food, it’s too expensive for me!but the truth is it doesn’t have to be. I choose to eat organic, fresh, local food every day. I don’t buy pre-made food at delis or supermarkets. I also don’t go out as much anymore because there are not too many vegan and raw food options for me. But the first reason is I love cooking my own food at home. So yes fresh, organic produce is not cheap, but I know what I am eating, I know my food is fresh, 100 % organic and healthy, oil free, salt free, sugar free, gluten free, chemical free and it taste great. Everyone tells me I should open my own restaurant, lol.

Most of the people in America love to go out for dinner and they don’t cook much. But going out is very expensive and you really don’t know for sure what you are eating. Don’t get me wrong going out with friends or family on the weekends or for spacial occasions is ok, but I know so many people who go out every day or buy already made food at fast food places, frozen food that is ready to just go to the microwaves. Food that is not even food, dead, unhealthy, full of ingredients we cant even pronounce! Who wants to live like this? Who wants to eat like this? Not me!

I was raised in Poland, my mom and grandma had gardens and every day we had fresh, homemade food. It wasn’t called organic back then, but it was 100 % natural and full of nutrients. What happened to us? To our society? To humanity? We have so much, we spend money on expensive cars, mansions, toys, computers, technology, exotic vacation, we spend so much time on Facebook, playing computer games, but we eat garbage from the package! Sad : (

If we don’t eat healthy food we will get sick, our children will get obese and we will cover the whole planet Earth with plastic containers and paper bags leftover from our fast food. We need to change! We need to teach our children about gardening and nature. We need to educate ourself where the food is coming from? Are you ready to take a first step?

So I challenge you; start making your own food. You will feel healthy, you will learn something. Start supporting local farmers www.mikesorganicdelivery.com , join organic coop, or plant your garden. You are what you eat! So eat fresh; plenty of organic greens, fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, fresh juices and smoothies. It’s not as hard as you think. For many of my yummy raw, high raw vegan plant base recipes please visit my blog: www.olenkoskitchen.com

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