watermelon- arugula chia pudding and fresh watermelon-mint juice

Published : Monday, July 6th, 2015

Good morning and happy Valentine’s day with watermelon- arugula chia pudding and fresh watermelon-mint juice. Love to all💗 @billwinterscine #raw #valentinesday #vitamix #chia #juice #watermelon #morning #love #raw #foodart #foodporn #veganchef #vegan #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #olenkoskitchen #organic #healthy #easy #heart #foodchef #happyfood

  • Daurete says:

    Beautiful and inspiring! I just got fnaimlgo peppers in my CSA box in northern California and googled to find a recipe so now I’d like to print your recipe but can’t seem to find instructions help! xoxo

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