- 1 small organic savory (curly) cabbage
- 2 organic oranges
- 1 organic red onion
- 2-3 portobello mushrooms
- pinch of Himalayan pink salt
- pinch of cumin
- 1 TBS chia seed oil
Chop the cabbage into small pieces. Save 2-3 piece of the cabbage to use it a serving bowl for your salad. Cut, oranges, onion and mushrooms into small pieces. Mix well with the cabbage, oil, salt and cumin in the large mixing bowl and let it sit for about 30min.
- 2 organic carrots
- 1 small organic white onion
- ½ cup organic spinach
- 2 TBS Bragg apple cider vinegar
- pinch of cayenne pepper
- ½ tsp Bragg Nutritional Yeast
- ½ pure water
Mix all in the Vitamix or high speed blender. Serve on the side of your salad. Enjoy ; )