Olenko’s Welcome to Paradise Cake

Published : Saturday, July 4th, 2015

This cake is vegan, raw, gluten free, low fat and very easy to make.

1 cup organic goji berries soaked for 30 min in ½ cup pure water
1 cup raw organic buckwheat seeds soaked for 30 min in ½ cup pure water
4 organic Medjool dates
Mix all in the Vitamix or high speed blender. Pour the mixture into o springform pan and place in the freezer for 30 min.

Pink Layer:
3 ripe organic bananas
1 cup fresh Thai young coconut water and meat from the Thai young coconut ( you should get a cup)
1 cup organic raspberries
3 organic Medjool dates
Mix all in the Vitamix or high speed blender and pour the mixture over the bottom layer. Place in the freezer for 30 min.

Green Layer:
1 cup organic spinach
3 organic kiwi fruits
1 cup fresh pineapple ( cubed )
½ cup pure water
Mix all in the Vitamix or high speed blender. Pour the mixture over the pink layer. Continue to freeze until the cake is set, about 5 hours or overnight. When ready to serve the cake decorate with fresh strawberries, grapes, mint and flowers. Enjoy ; )

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