For the cooked part:
4 cups raw organic cubed sugar pumpkin
4 organic carrots
1 organic onion
6 cups of pure water
Cook all for about 5-7 min. Let it cool of a bit. Transfer to a Vitamix and mix in with the all raw ingredients. Use the spices for your taste. Serve in a bowl and top it of with raw cashew cheese. Very creamy and delicious : ) great for Thanksgiving dinner.
For the raw part:
2 organic apples
2 organic Asian pears
3 Medjool dates
cinnamon powder
pumpkin spice powder
ginger powder
Bragg Nutritional yeast
black pepper
cayenne pepper
pink Himalayan salt
Raw Cashew Cheese:
2 cups raw organic cashews
1 teaspoon Vegan Probiotic Powder
2 TBS Bragg Nutritional Yeast
1 ½ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
1 cup pure water
Soak the cashews in pure water for 2-4 hours. Then mix them in the Vitamix with 1 cup water and probiotic powder. Transfer to a glass bowl, cover it with a towel and let it cultured for about 12 hours. Then mix in with salt and nutritional yeast. Keep it in the fridge for 3 days. You can add additional flavors like black pepper, cumin, paprika, etc…