Olenko’s Raw-Vegan Chocolate Love Brownies

Published : Saturday, July 4th, 2015

2 cups organic Medjool dates ( or other dates that you like )

1 cup organic dry figs

6 TBS organic raw cacao powder

½ cup fresh Jamaican coconut meat

1 TBS organic lucuma powder

½ cup pure water

This brownies are my own creation and they are amazing!!!

Mix dates and figs in the food processor, then add water and the rest of ingredients. Pulse. You may have to scrape the sides. Don’t over-process the mixture. When ready pour the mixture into a glass container with parchment paper at the bottom. Place it in the fridge to set and make your raw chocolate for the topping.

Olenko’s Raw Chocolate

3 TBS organic coconut oil

½ cup of organic cacao powder

pinch of organic Chaga mushroom powder

1 TBS organic lucuma powder

2 TBS organic maple syrup (or coconut nectar or coconut sugar)

pinch of Himalayan pink salt

pinch of cayenne pepper

4-5 drops of Vanilla Medicine Flower (amazing smell and taste)

Place organic coconut oil in a glass pan and melt it on the stove. The temperature should be 95-98F and not too hot to your touch. Add 1 cup of organic cacao powder. Keep mixing with a wooden spoon until smooth. When all mixed in and the texture is like velvet turn off the stove. Add a pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt, 2 TBS of organic maple syrup, pinch of cayenne pepper, lucuma powder and the rest of ingredients. Mix all until smooth. Then pour your mixture on the top of your brownies. Put it back to the fridge for about 8 h or overnight. When ready to serve the brownies cut them into small pieces. Serve with fresh fruits. Enjoy : )

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