3 very ripe persimmons
2 ripe pears
1 cup sweet seedless table grapes
5-6 pices of Barhi dates
2 TBS raw cacao powder
1 TBS raw coconut oil
pinch of pumpkin spice powder
pinch of reishi powder
coconut shreds
pea shoots
2 cups pure water
*Fuyu persimmons and hachiyas persimmons are the most commonly available in North America. They are both from a genus called “fruit of the gods” in Greek and they are both in season in the fall. They will ripen after picked, so buying hard persimons and allowing them to ripen at home is a keey strategy for sweet, mild, pumpkin-like flavor. I just bought about 20 pounds of both the Fuyu persimmons and hachiyas persimmons, so excited! I love them!!!
*Barhi dates are known for being tasty in both their yellow, crunchy state (khalal in Arabic) and their soft, brown state. You can eat them at many stages of ripeness. Yellow more crunchy-apple-pear taste, brown-smooth, tastes like brown sugar and caramel. Looking for a definition of “nature’s candy”? This is it. They are amazing!!! Great as a healthy snack or in raw desserts. Have you tasted them yet?
Mix all in the Vitamix or high speed blender, top it off with shredded coconuts, raw cacao beans, grapes and pea shoots. Enjoy : ) it’s so yummy!!!