Time for Olenko’s Moroccan Mint-Cardamom Tea all you need is organic green tea, fresh mint and cardamom I love love tea, and of course sometimes I drink a small coffee too, but tea is my favorite beverage after water. For more information about the benefits of tea check out my new cookbook “Live Love Light and Fruits from Olenko’s Kitchen and Friends” available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0997105933/
When I visited Morocco I had mint tea everywhere. This tea is very refreshing and so yummy Moroccans drink mint tea all day long. Moroccan people like the tea sweet and traditionally they just make it with green tea, fresh mint, hot water and sugar. I like to add cardamom to mine and I don’t put any sugar to my tea. Try my version with cardamom or traditional without. Enjoy!
1 tablespoon loose leaves organic green tea
5 cups boiling water
3-5 pieces dry cardamom
1 bunch fresh mint
*add coconut or date sugar to your tea if you like your tea sweet, I don’t put any sugar to mine
Put tea and cardamom in teapot and pour in 5 cups boiling water. Let the tea steep for 2-3 minutes. Add in sugar to your taste and fresh mint and steep 3 to 4 minutes more. Serve in small heatproof glasses. This tea is great with raw deserts or cookies, nuts, fruits, and dates.