Nicole Frolick Interview

Published : Sunday, April 14th, 2019

I AM LIVE with Nicole Frolick talking about Intergalactic Coaching Through the Divine Masculine and Feminine
We are going to be talking about self love, self care practices, limiting beliefs that hold us back, our shadow, living from the heart, transitioning from 3D to 5D, cosmic awareness, and how to live your life following your own passion and bliss❤️❤️❤️❤️ Join us ❤️?
Nicole Frolick is an international, inspirational speaker, intuitive life coach, co-host of the Enlighten Up podcast, and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. Her devotion to her work is anchored in illuminating the true power within you by navigating the inflexible limits that hold you back from your true expansive self.
Her Four Fundamentals of Flexibility can be applied to all areas of life, not just your yoga practice. Through consistent application of these fundamentals, Nicole has been able to navigate a quick career change, use her fears to guide her towards her greatest passions, strengthen the acceptance of her body, find deeper connections in her relationships, and live her life from a place that brings full joy into everything she creates.
Expand into your limitless potential❤️❤️❤️

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