“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”-as Hippocrates once said I choose to eat healthy. My high raw vegan diet includes mostly raw greens, fruits, vegetables nuts and super-foods with some cooked meals like quinoa, beans, brown rice and some stemmed veggies and soups. The reason I eat like this is because I care about the animals and the Planet Earth. Vegan diet keeps me young, healthy, strong, beautiful, full of energy with happy, positive attitude. Being successful on a raw vegan diet is all about preparation ahead. I like to know where my food comes from, so I cook most of my meals at home. I buy my organic food at local farmers markets, health food stores, Asian grocery stores, online and every week I get deliveries with fresh greens, veggies and fruits from a local organic farm. I have been eating like this for 18 months now and I love it. Being vegan is great for my health, for the Planet Earth and the animals. Try this diet for a week and you will see how amazing you will feel. For plant base recipes and inspirations please visit my blog www.olenkoskitchen.com