Interview with Chad Ryan Lopaka Downey

Published : Monday, May 27th, 2019

I AM LIVE with the amazing Chad Ryan Lopaka Downey We will talk about the New Earth, humanity ascension, universal love, escaping the Matrix, compassion and forgiveness.
Wait when you hear his incredible story about self love and intergalactic journey of the soul, his awakening and finding out he is Thor, and the obstacles he has gone through to become the empowered master he is today.
Chad Ryan Lopaka Downey is a light worker and a energetic healing facilitator. He is an elder of the 144k twin flames (christed beings/emissaries of light) that came to earth with Sanat Kumara to assist with ascension. He is an aspect of Sanat who is Alpha/Omega. He is the head of the lungs of Omega and head of the HA soul group. He is here to represent the Breath of Life (HA). He is the physical God self of Archangel Gabriel known as Thor and/or Zeus. He is the universal God of Air. He is hierarch of the 1st secret ray of ether/slash and the 2nd secret ray of air.
Instagram @downeychad
For private sessions:
PayPal.Me/ChadDowney along with name(s)/pictures to Upon verification of payment you may Skype me (if nessessary) at ryanlopaka29
*Weight loss energy drink *Super high tech pain relief patches w/ ground up tourmaline and Tesla coil electro magnetic technology to get the body’s own energy (chi) to do the healing. +other stuff too!
To find more about his transformation go to:
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