Olenko’s Raw Tropical Cake

Published : Saturday, July 4th, 2015

This recipe is inspired by Suriname and is part of Introducing “All Around This World: Latin America,” the first CD of its kind from “All Around This World,” a world musics and cultures program for families with little children. The album features twenty-three songs from all over Latin America, representing twenty Latin American music genres. Songs from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Suriname and others. Please visit the website to get more informationwww.allaroundthisworld.com/latinamerica

Ingredients for yellow layer:

1 large cubed sweet pineapple

4 ripe bananas

3 TBS shredded coconuts

1 TBS coconut oil

Ingredients for pink layer:

2 cups cubed watermelon

1 ripe mango

1 TBS shredded coconut


raw figs


Mix all ingredients for the yellow layer in the Vitamix or high speed blender, add a bit of pure water if needed. Then pour the mixture into a cake dish and freeze it for about 30 min. Mix watermelon and mango in the Vitamix and then gently pour the mixture over the yellow layer. Sprinkle  the cake with shredded coconut. Place in the freezer until frozen about 5-6 hours or overnight. When ready to serve decorate with raw figs and grapes. Very sweet and yummy cake that kids love : )

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